Six generations of teaching individuals.
Distilled into excellence.
Expertise. Care.
Welcome to Artisan Tuition.
My name is Benjamin. I am the Artisan Tutor.
I come from a long line of teachers, and it is my privilege to continue their legacy by offering exceptional in-person tuition services to families across the North West.
Perhaps you have stumbled across this website, or been referred by someone you know. Either way, this moment might just transform your family’s future for the good.
I encourage you to visit the Testimonials page, which shows the success of our incredible students and serves as an excellent starting point.
Benjamin Lucas
Founder & Artisan Tutor
Our Services
Rooted in six generations of teaching excellence, we blend expertise with a bespoke approach, offering a truly exceptional learning experience.
Timeless methods, tailored instruction, and personal connection, all distilled into a personalized and high-quality experience for each pupil.
With a deep commitment to precision, patience, and understanding of individual potential, learning is our craft.
Artisan Tuition offers the following services:
At Artisan Tuition, we specialise in preparing students for entrance exams to grammar and independent schools.
Whilst exams are important doorways and never the final destination, it would be little exaggeration that they can change a child’s future.
We have a commitment to excellence, and we take these assessments seriously. We are also committed to pupil ‘aftercare’ beyond exam prep to help them thrive in a new environment.
Artisan Tuition brings its expertise and targeted approach to ensure real learning and effective preparation, equipping students with the confidence, knowledge, and skills for long-term success..
Our students win places at schools across Cheshire and South Manchester, as well as prestigious institutions further afield.
Quality over quantity. Here at Artisan Tuition, we specialise in a few subject areas:
Foreign languages: German | French | Russian | Spanish | EAL* | Latin
Humanities: History | Literature | Politics | Classics | Theology | Ethics
Sciences: Geology | Biology | PE
All of the above subjects are available from complete beginner to GCSE, with A-Level and Pre-U by special arrangement.
Courses of study are customised to each individual pupil and their needs (e.g. exam boards, learning styles, work arrangements, sporting commitments).
*English as an Additional Language
Artisan Tuition offers expert and experienced prep and primary school tutorings. This earlier season of life and learning is crucial, consistently overlooked, or even neglected.
Yet, this is where every family can make impressive gains with their children’s learning and enthusiasm.
We focus on essential foundation skills that lay the foundations for future academic success: phonics, numeracy, literacy, and creative development.
But more than anything else, we strive to cultivate young minds that know great passion in living and delight in learning.
Strength in these core areas builds the confidence and skills necessary for advanced learning in later years.
For our younger pupils, all lessons are tailored to meet their unique needs with the Artisan Ethos in mind.
One of our unique offerings at Artisan Tuition is an intensive language-learning pathway for students at (or near to) a beginner's level in German or Russian to gain entry to Oxford or Cambridge.
One of the lesser-known secret passages into Oxbridge, a foreign languages degree is definitely worth consideration.
If a candidate and family are the right fit, an intensive and multi-year course of study can be planned and taught, bringing a student to appropriate linguistic competency in roughly 3 years.
With characteristic depth and rigour, Artisan Tuition also provides interview preparation to secure a place at these highly-selective institutions. You must enquire directly for either of these services.
The following headlines are punchy - and rightfully damning. Few would dispute that our boys and young men are in a bad place.
"Boys are struggling. It can take coaches, tutors and thousands a month to fix that."- Wall Street Journal, Dec 2023.
“Cambridge study finds girls outperform boys at school." - BBC, Jan 2024.
"Over-feminised schools are failing Britain’s boys."- The Telegraph, July 2023
As a nation, we must do better.
But we can only effect lasting change with those around us and where we ourselves have strong and healthy roots.
We provide tuition to many boys and young men, and we often see their problems and struggles - those both hidden and visible - up close and personal.
Artisan Tuition offers ‘masculine mentoring’ that transcends academics to shape young men with happy, healthy, and ambitious futures.
We help your (grand)son to:
recognize his potential
set clear goals
navigate his unique ‘boyhood’ challenges.
Part of our mission at Artisan Tuition is to offer young men the support, challenge, and guidance they need to harness their strengths for transformative results and lasting success.
Your success starts here.
Discover how our premium services can benefit your family with a complementary consultation at your home:
40-minute personalized lesson for your child
20-minute strategy consultation for your family.
This allows us to evaluate a mutual fit and explore how our premium services can benefit your family.
It is our journey to bring truly elite tuition (not simply a price tag) to families in the North West. Yet, we never cease to seek for that learning, which is good, true, and a delight to behold.
Ready to acquire world-class tuition?
The Artisan Ethos
Continuing a teaching heritage spanning nearly 200 years, Artisan Tuition rests on deep foundations.
Our approach is unique and our ethos celebrates careful craftsmanship, masterful application of skill.
In all that we deliver, we bring a personalized approach to the creation and deepening of knowledge.
We continue our legacy by shaping minds for success, and cultivating confident, capable learners, who are prepared for both the challenges of today and those of generations to come.